
mardi 8 mai 2012

Everyday is a Holiday

Jenny Holiday

Quand, pour la première fois, Jenny m'est apparue je me souviens d'avoir eu ce genre de choc que l'on éprouve lorsque l'on voyage. Un dépaysement. Un décalage, dans le temps et dans l'espace. Et en même temps la sensation d'arriver dans une galaxie créative amie, accueillante et parfaitement rafraichissante. Jenny rend vie à des objets quotidiens, ustensiles de boulangerie, objets de table et assiettes à dessert, pâtisseries, autant de symboles pétillants de l'Amérique des années 50. Doux et légers, ses tableaux, ses collages, ses créations diverses célèbrent les vertus de l' époque saisie en pleine mutation de la naissance de la société de consommation -en gommant sous un nuage rose -parce qu'il s'agit d'être heureux-, les possibles aspérités. Quelque chose d'une bande dessinée pailletée dans cette bonbonnière pastel, un portrait tendre et glamour de l'Amérique dans un sourire enchanteur et rayonnant ! Qu'il s'agisse de la façon dont elle décore son home, de sa passion pour les lapins en papier mâché, des amis qu'elle nous présente, tout dans son univers est attendrissant, nacré, joyeux. Une berceuse chantée tendrement au rythme du vieux rocking-chair sous la pergola fleurie d'où l'on aperçoit les fillettes dans leurs petites robes sages qui se promènent dans la grand-rue, les bras chargés de confiseries et de biscuits, le dimanche…

When for the first time, I discovered Jenny's photographs, I remember having this kind of shock that one experiences sometimes when traveling. A change of scenery. An offset in time and space. And at the same time the feeling of arriving in a friendly creative world, welcoming and thoroughly refreshing. Jenny gives back life to these everyday items, bakery utensils, tableware and dessert plates, pastries, sparkling symbols of the American 50's. Fun and airy, soft and light, her paintings, collages, various creations celebrate the virtues of this time of great change, -the birth of consumer society-, in leveling out the asperities under a pink cloud -the subject is to be happy. Something of a glitter cartoon in this pastel candy, a loving and glamourous portrait of America with an enchanting, radiant smile. Whether it's the way she decorates her home, her passion for rabbits papier mache, the friends she presents us, while her world is pearly, joyful. A tender lullaby sung following the rhythm of the old rocking chair in the flowered pergola from where you can see the girls in their little dresses walking on the high street, with sweets and biscuits in their baskets, on Sunday ...


2 commentaires:

Jenny Holiday & Aaron a dit…

Hello Hello!! Oh my goodness! What a delightful surprise it was to find your blog today! Thank you SO SO much for your lovely words! I am honored. You made me cry. :) Thank you so much for understanding and appreciating. You made my day!! :)

Love to you!!
xo Jenny Holiday

. a dit…

Dear Jenny, thank you for this so nice message, but my little article was not meant to make you cry. Quite the contrary. This is mostly for me to help my French friends here who may do not know you yet to discover your creative sweet universe. This is also a tribute to your art, that has rocked my first flickr steps and accompanying me since in a truly positive and inspiring spirit. I feel very indebted, and by the way this was an unique occasion to thank you for this magic. Since I have a blog, it is a good place ti speak about the artists who move me. Oh, and my apologies to Aaron, I did not mention him in my little post, but I know that his role is very important. I also wanted to apologize for my poor English. With much love and admiration, merci, chère Jenny.